January 2024 Update: Lothiansound is urgently seeking a Trustee/Secretary to join our Committee. Contact: info@lothiansound.org.uk or 0131 661 2850

Talking Newspaper

A weekly audio recording of local news and events. Run entirely by Volunteers and supplied free of charge to blind and partially sighted Listeners.

A registered Scottish charity, based in Edinburgh, Scotland, Lothiansound was founded in 1988. Our aim is to keep blind and partially sighted people, with an interest in Edinburgh, the Lothians or Scotland, informed, although anyone who finds reading a strain can benefit from our free service.

Articles from The Edinburgh Evening News form the main part of Lothiansound's weekly edition, plus upcoming events and theatre news.

There are various ways to listen to Lothiansound and details are available on the LISTEN page.

Lothiansound is fortunate to have a band of loyal and hard-working Volunteers and enthusiastic Listeners whose support is invaluable. If you are interested in becoming a Volunteer or a Listener, please use the ABOUT menu. If you would like to donate to Lothiansound, please use the DONATE menu.